czwartek, 28 lutego 2013


I just wanted to communicate, that we reached 100 views today! Yay!

Simply Belarussian lesson:
To love= кахаць (if speak about man and woman feelings to each other) or любіць (if you want to say that you like smth or someone),
to talk = размаўляць, 
to ask = пытаць,
to feel = адчуваць, 
to make/to do = рабіць, выконваць,  
to use =выкарыстоўваць. 

the letter "ў" is used instead of "у" in possition after a vowel into a word or if one word ends in vowel and the next word usually starts with "у" we will use "ў". it's pronounced as english "w" in word "snow". For example there are 2 words: "сонца" (the sun) and "узыходзіць" (rise), let's say that the sun is rising: "сонца ўзыходзіць".

now back to our verbs. how to use them in present time with pronouns:
Я (I) - кахаю/люблю, размаўляю, пытаю, адчуваю, раблю/выконваю, выкарыстоўваю.
Мы (we) - кахаем/любім, размаўляем, пытаем, адчуваем, робім/выконваем, выкарыстоўваем.
Ты (you) - кахаеш/любіш, размаўляеш, пытаеш, адчуваеш, робіш/выконваеш, выкарыстоўваеш.
Вы (you) - кахаем/любім, размаўляем, пытаем, адчуваем, робім/выконваем, выкарыстоўваем.
Ён (he), яна (she), яно (it) - кахае/любіць, размаўляе, пытае, адчувае, робіць/выконвае, выкарыстоўвае.
Яны (they) - кахаюць/любяць, размаўляюць, пытаюць, адчуваюць, робяць/выконваюць, выкарыстоўваюць.

the stress in belarusian words usually fall into sillable with "o". For example: выкОнваюць, рОбяць, захОўваюць, выкарыстОўваюць etc.

niedziela, 17 lutego 2013

For these who don't like reading

Trailer of great movie :

I really advice you to watch it :

Besides, for these who LIKES reading ;D
I just found cool page :
It's aviable in English, Russian and Belarussian :)

poniedziałek, 11 lutego 2013


Just got some postcards from my Belarussian friend. She lives in Pinsk, which lays on the South of Belarus.

I think it's very beautiful city, just see this St. Theodore Cathedral!  
What also catched my attention is that Ryszard Kapuściński lived there- it's one of my favourite writers. 

In Pinsk we can meet large Jews society. 

wtorek, 5 lutego 2013

Some from Ukraine

 So, there's small curios about Ukraine:

  • Cossack Mamay - he presents an idealized image of Ukrainian - a tramp from steppe, dressed in blue harem pants. His picture was hanged in lots of ukrainian houses.
  •  The most famous ukrainian dishes are - borscht, "pirozhki" and lots of genres of kasha. Especially I recommend котлета по-київськи- made of fillet of chicken stuffed with butter and parsley.

  • "Г" letter in ukrainian is read as "h" (like in however), so not spelled as a russian "g".

  • The third most visited McDonald's is situated in Kiev. This restaurant has always been in the top five most crowded McDonald’s in the world and the last year it serve almost 2.3 millions visitors.

  • The flag of Ukraine is divided on two parts - the blue one which symbolize an ukrainian sky and a yellow one, a symbol of wheat's lands.


Before all, let me recommend you one good book about my belowed country.It's a bit expensive, but you can get used ones for 7 $ or so .

Now about VK. It's something like Facebook in Russian-speaking countries. It's a good way to learn Slavian languages and meet some friends from the East. I was surprised- just few days after I've created my account, a lot of people wrote me, offering their help with learning Belarussian.

Above you can see the top of the page in Belarussian (tarashkievica! Yeah, I was so happy to find this one among numerous languages accesibles). Anyway, you can also choose another language, like English, Russian, French...


poniedziałek, 4 lutego 2013

News from Belarus online.

Today I discovered cool site!

Жывы эфір / Расклад
So here you can listen to the radio online- it's in Belarussian :D! It was so nice to listen to it, though I couldn't understand a lot.

On the orange bar on the main site we can see in sequence:
Home page/  News/ Researches / Blogs/ Interviews/ Video/ Radio / Social sites/ Contact/ Archives/ RSS

Enjoy! :D

sobota, 2 lutego 2013

Minsk City.

I just found that video- I find it nice :) .
It's concrete and without any unnecesary mince words. Enjoy! :)

piątek, 1 lutego 2013

Belarussian word of a day and easy way to travel without leaving your house:)

урок means "lesson" in Belarussian .

Lets learn with some examples, to memorise it better (okay... I am not so sure if someone learns Belarussian..) :
* урок та'нца  (dance lesson)
* браць уро'кі (to take lessons)
* рабіць урокі (to do the homework)
* дава'ть уро'кі (to give lessons)
* весці ўрок (to "conduct" a lesson)

Now you know some simple words in this beautiful languages, yay!

So... yes, this is that "magic" way to travel. Writing letters! As simple as that, but (in my opinion) you can feel you REALLY are there. Above you can see Belarusian stamps :)

I got this book from my friend- Vlada :).